Tuesday 20 October 2009

Apple day

A tweet from Essex Gourmet has alerted me to apple day at Lathcoats Farm in Essex this Saturday. Lathcoats is a fruit farm, and their website has a magnificent list of the 40 varieties grown there, including Adam's Pearmain from Hereford and Essex native D'Arcy Spice, which I've never heard of, let alone tasted.
The oldest apples on the list are Ashmead's Kernel (1700), Ribston Pippin (1707) and Blenheim Orange (1740). Apparently all the varieties will be there to be tasted: a very juicy prospect. The only potential pitfall to my plan to get there was yet another shutdown of the Victoria Line this weekend. But hurrah! I can nip down to Liverpool Street by overland train and get to Chelmsford from there.
My apple tree finished fruiting at the end of August, so I think I'm going to have an apple cooking orgy over the weekend...

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